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 保健品蘑菇,保健蘑菇組合-HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)

  • Full Spectrum Extract with Maximum Strength
  • 25% + 1.3-1.6 Beta Glucans
  • 100% Vegan
  • 100% Mushroom Extracts (No Grain Fillers)
  • TruGanic Purity
  • Gluten Free
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Mushroom Immune Support at Its Peak Potential

Energenesis Energetic Enhancements:

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— Dr. Jameth Sheridan (D.H.M.)

"Hype is Nothing. Substance is Everything!"

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For the last 5000 years, Chinese herbalists have processed mushroom fruiting bodies via hot water extraction for tonic immune support. Based on extensive HealthForce research, the fire-enhanced extraction process is essential in order to break down the tough. fibrous cell walls in mushrooms and thus render the beta-glucans (compounds which support the immune system) bioavailable. Fire-enhanced mushroom extracts are vastly superior to raw mushrooms. Some things are best raw and some things need to be enhanced by fire. HealthForce knows the difference!

Based on our laboratory tests, supplements produced from mycelium (instead of actual mushroom fruiting bodies) have up to 65% grain starch and very low beta-glucan content (under 1% in some cases). These inferior "mushroom" supplements are composed of fermented grains with insignificant amounts of beta-glucans and only trace levels of other "extracellular" compounds. In contrast, HealthForce Myco-Immunity delivers extremely 25%+ bioavailable 1,3-1,6 beta-glucans with very low levels of starch.



保健品蘑菇,保健蘑菇組合 HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)折價券, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)哪裡買, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)哪裡有, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)新光三越, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)大遠百, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)板橋遠百, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)麗寶百貨, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)家樂福, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)大潤發, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)全聯, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)宅配, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)台中大遠百, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)新竹巨城, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)台茂, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)宜蘭, HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)忠孝東路 縣毛年半落灣初聯。

 HealthForce Nutritionals, Myco-Immunity, 5.3 oz (150 g)

  • Earth
  • Health
  • Compassion

HealthForce Myco-Immunity contains fire-enhanced extracts of four different wood-grown mushroom fruiting bodies specifically chosen for their purity and immune supporting properties. Myco-Immunity combines the best of modern technology with indigenous extraction techniques to bring you maximum strength and purity. Our mushroom extracts avoid the use of carriers and are tested for TruGanic status. Each type of mushroom has a slightly different beta-glucan fraction profile, and by combining these different beta-glucan fractions, we produce a more complex and ultimately effective immune response for daily immune support.

  • Magnetic • Vibrational

本文引用自: 三西路糊口倉廚 萬華門市外送距離

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